
  • One has to be brave enough to accept loosing old self for the sake of growing up. Kira becomes adult...
  • One has to be brave enough to accept loosing old self for the sake of growing up. Kira becomes adult brisk…
  •   Allegra dreams of being part of the Eleven O'Clock musical theater company a…
  • 故事始于2011年。一名杀害年轻女人的杀人狂让首都陷入恐慌,大尉米哈伊尔·索洛维约夫警官追踪这名杀人狂已经两年…
  • 俄罗斯奇幻悬疑穿越剧,霍金一直十分担心人类安危,再发警告不要登月,理由是月球背面有外星人,月亮的背面底有没…
  • 魔法世界再临,迎接大规模魔法战斗场面!艾碧嘉居住的城市,曾经充斥着不可思议的黑魔法,却被政府秘密封锁,艾碧…
  •   The film, Silent Heroes, is based on the story of 13 real deaf children who …
  • 十六世纪后半叶,法国处于“胡格诺战争”时期,天主教和新教残酷战争不断。而宫廷内部也奢华淫靡,腐败不堪。为了…